Ming De Nasty
Shout! Festival, 2018

I worked with Ming de Nasty to write a funding application to produce a series of photographic portraits of LGBTQ+ women in Birmingham that reflects on how they self identify and the impact of labels on their everyday lives.

I supported her throughout the project and advised on the curation of the exhibited works.


I've known Ming for a number a years and always a great admirer of her work and of her generosity of spirit. Our working relationship began when she was looking for a space to show an exhibition and I suggested A3 Project Space as a gallery in which she could explore how her community focussed photography project 'Selfie Sufficient' could translate into an exhibition that situated her own subjectivity rather than that of the participants closer to the centre of the equation.

For the Sufficient exhibition we decided to focus on the photographs she'd taken of her own allotment over a growing season. Ming's photography is often portraiture so we decided to remove all traces of the human body from the image and instead focus on the natural world as the 'sitter'. Seedlings, beans, brassicas, berries and chitted potatoes became the subjects of the show with the growing season providing a loose narrative to the series of photographs.